Fambiz Kft_Header
1022.Budapest, Bimbó út 15. Tel: +36(1) 316 28 36 Fax: +36(1)  316 28 37 Email:trade@fambiz.hu
  • Keep our strong position on both Domestic and Foreign market,
  • Offer the best quality products on the most competitive price,
  • Continuously expand and innovate our production sites, to research for new – environmental safe – technologies in manufacturing and wrapping procedures,
  • Use precise and modern technologies in the filed of logistics in order to achieve the highest level of professionalism,
  • Improve the efficiency of our team-functions and to harmonize the activities of our branches in order to provide high level services,
  • Improve the workmanship of our staff, for example to firm their commitment for development.

We are sure that the implementation of our objectives will help us in achieving and keeping recognition of our business partners and besides helping our firm to act effectively it will assure stable base of long-term co-operations.
Our objectives are to:
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